Google’s ‘Zeitgeist 2012’

It’s that time of year again when we see retrospective pieces crop up here and there. Some are excellent, some are terrible, some are new and some are old cats to this business. The Google retrospective is one of my favourites.

I really love the way they used Felix and the Stratos mission as bookends to this piece. I mean that has got to be one of the most impressive feats of courage I’ve seen outside of a combat report ever. One crazy dude heads to the edge of space on his own and just jumps off. Balls bigger than my head. ‘Nuff said.

I enjoy reflecting on stuff at the end of a year. That cocktail of emotions that you dredge up and the re-firing of motivating ideas and aspirations you have when looking forward. For me it’s been an interesting one for sure. I’ve learned a lot, laughed a lot, cried some, drank probably too much if we’re honest, harvested some cool memories, and hung out with some cool people that I’m privileged to call my friends, but with that all behind I’m excited about what 2013 is going to bring and looking forward to making the most out of the opportunities that come with it.

And to our late friend Dan, we miss you buddy. Thank you for all the times we had together, hope your rocking it somewhere with fluffy white floors and real ale on tap x

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